One Lovely Blog Award
Wow... It's an awesome feeling. I must thank my cute Lovely friend Gowthami, for giving me this award. Dear, I'm very sorry for my delay in accepting this award almost after a month.
"Hey Gowthami, Thank you so much.. :) A cake for you dear!"
Jill Jill Jingaaaa!!
Hipp Hipp Hurrayyyy!!
So, here are the rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about you.
3. Spread the love and honor.
4. Award and contact 7 recently discovered bloggers.
Now, Sharing 7 things about me..
I'm getting dumb and stupid day by day, Donno why!!?
Became too conscious, kinda irritating!!
Games.. games.. games...
Like to change My new friend
Now a days, I'm just getting titles, but no matter, for blogging..
I'm most worried yet doing nothing to overcome, from the tragedy for not watching My fav' show Hrithik's 'Just dance'
Suddenly, many of my things getting changing, Coz I'm getting married in the month of November ;)
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And Now, spreading the Love and Honor along with this award to my lovely and fellow bloggers...
Animesh - Just like that
Dr. kunjan M detroja - K's photography
VIjay shenoy - mind's eye of life
dR. Pratibha singh - Pratibha, the talent
ARTI - My yatra diary
arvind mohan - life is too good
Poorvi shrivastav - look ahead..
I really mean it. Your blogs are Lovely.
Cheeeeerrss!! :)
" Happpiiieeessss "
Keep visiting my blog and Keep smiling.
Friends, Let me know as soon you post the 7facts about you. Eager to know!
Cheeeeerrss!! :)
" Happpiiieeessss "
Keep visiting my blog and Keep smiling.
Friends, Let me know as soon you post the 7facts about you. Eager to know!
thank u dear friend for giving me this award....I am glad :)
Hey, CONGRATS!!! Wish you a very very loving marriage journey ahead, Best wishes :) And Thanks so much for the award, I am delighted :)
Hey Thanks... pleasant surprise... cheers 2 u & ur thoughts :)
Sorry for the late response and thanks to you for such an honour ...........CONGRATS for entering into the new relationship.May god bless you.
Thank you so much.. And its my pleasure Pratibha ji :)