I LOVE YOU [ in telugu ]

Just browsing... browsing.. browsing...Suddenly I found this and was impressed. So I'm tagging this photo with in my blog.Credits for the owner..
Just browsing... browsing.. browsing...Suddenly I found this and was impressed. So I'm tagging this photo with in my blog.Credits for the owner..
Wow... It's an awesome feeling. I must thank my cute Lovely friend Gowthami, for giving me this award. Dear, I'm very sorry for my delay in accepting this award almost after a month. "Hey Gowthami, Thank you so much.. :) A cake for you dear!" Yipppiiiiieeeeeeee!! Jill Jill Jingaaaa!! Hipp Hipp Hurrayyyy!! __________________________ So, here are the rules:1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.2. Share 7 things about you.3. Spread the
1. March 8th 2011 Thanks click here 2. April 15th 2011 Thanks Selected as the Top most, On the day for 15th April as a part of Blogjunta National Poetry Month - Bj -NaPoWriMo Click here 3.June 9th 2011 Thanks Mo, My friend Click here 4. June 10th 2011 Thanks Mo, My friend click here 5. August 20th 2011 Thanks Gowthami, My friend, Co-blogger click here 6. June 28th 2013
20 Random Questions 1. Is it easy for someone to make you smile? Yeahh!! As I already mentioned, the first thing I get every time is My Smile. 2. Why do you like the last song you listened to? The song 'Teri-meri.. Meri-teri..' Is just awesome song and super melodious. I can't stop myself listening to that song. I kept on listening back to back. 3. What color are your eyes? Of course, it's Black! 4. How many people
Never Let it Go.. Love... It's the most awesome feeling that one could ever feel. Sometimes, it might be the reason of our existence. And sometimes, it is a puzzle posed by the emotions and not likely to be solved just by a reason. It is as Easy as Complicated. " If we have Love in our life, it can make up for many great things that we lack. But if we don't have it,