The Vision of My Life

20 questions

      A few more questions to answer from all your mails now..

1. What is something you have tried, but will never do again?
       Well in 2008, just after my convocation, I was supposed to attend for job trials. The impact of recession has spread all over the ways before I could take a decision. Even though I knew about how less I'm in need of a job, I had tried challenging my dad for that but failed. 'coz I fed up standing on the streets and queues, looking myself as a useless. Then after, I've never tried challenging my dad for his suggestions and experience.

2. Would you rather be loved or have a lot of money?
      LOVE  LOVE and BE LOVED.

3. What quirky habit do you have?
        Yup, I'm Lil jerk in making conclusions if I'm in a discussion. I want one correct reply if I ask you something. If 'yes', stick to it. If  'No' also stick to it. If you say yes and then changes to no, you would be getting hard knocks from me. I juz can't take it. I don't mind if you take too much time to reply, but if you do stick to that. That's me.

4. What is the one thing you did in your past you wish you could undo?
        In 2010 August, I had planned and paid an half amount to get fake experience certificates without letting my parents to know about that. But I'm not satisfied with what I did, so I dint collected those papers leaving that amount paid from my pocket money. If I really get a chance, I'll undo that whole episode of my life to get back all my money and peace.

5. What is your biggest fear?
         None, seriously.

6. Have you ever had a crush on an animated character?
          No. I use to watch the cartoon network channel where I'm suppose to watch series like Tom & Jerry, The Poppey show, Duck tales, Mickey mouse and the family..

7. Which habit are you proudest of breaking?
          'Counting my pocket money'

8. If the world froze for an afternoon and only you could move and no one could see you or remember what you did, what would you do?
           I'll get my shower done in my garden.

9. What word starts with a letter 'F' and ends with letters 'U. C. K'?
           It's Firetruck

10. If you had to pick an animal, which animal do you find sexiest of all?
           A cat!!

11. What do you value the most when it comes to friendship?
          The person and the time.

12.  How is your relationship with your parents?
         They are the best thing ever happened in my life. They are my best friends.

13. Do you have any siblings?
          Yup. One elder sister.

14. What is the most silly pick - up line or a phrase that guys used on you to win your attention?
          Haha, good question. Well I got few pretty lines to reply.
'You can do it, Vysh '
'Your eyes are beautiful.'
'Do you remember me who am I? '
' Chocolate? '
and more..

15. What kind of things really makes you laugh?

16. If you could jump into a pool of something, what would it be?
            Chocolate and ice creams

17. What was the funniest moment in your life?
           In my age of 12, I lost my interest in dance classes. So I told my parents that my teacher got expired only to know that he is invited to the lunch by my parents on the very same day. You know, really it's a scary moment watching him sitting in front of my parents. Ufff! All went well.

18. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
              Yup. I strongly believe it and I also mentioned about it in my previous articles too.

19. Have you ever sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?
            Yes. One and only one time. After knowing his opinion on me when I burst out about the same, I just ignored him for ever.

20. (Cont..d) Do you believe that he will always have a special place in your heart?
            Frankly speaking, time heals everything. As time changes, priorities changes. 'Special' becomes just a memory.

Stay tuned for more answers to your questions. Keep mailing and asking ;)
Love you all.

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