.....While turning Five
Belated birthday wishes to my sweety pie "The Colourful Eyes."
It's on July 22nd. And here I'm too late to celebrate the birthday. Isn't it bad, huh? What to do, I'll be busy in MY birthday celebrations every time.
Amid of 2009, I had started this blog just like that, so I could remember the day and the year in my life time. 2009 is 'A' special to me that gave me so many memories which made me to stand alone. In remembrance of that year, I just started with no basic idea that I would get attached so much for blogging, but it took me almost 3 months to publish my first (ever) blogpost. And the journey continued reshaping and rejuvenating my skills and my thoughts, achieving 169th post (with this.) Even I had published my 100th blogpost on my [oops, Our (blog's and mine)] birthday itself, of course with little framing up the things.
While browsing and checking my own blogpost, I got stuck in the section below every blogpost "You might also like", where it suggests to a reader some more articles (I mean 'Blogposts') related. There I found about my old one where I had included about my bangalore experiences. I clicked on that link and started reading my own articles from past. I'm back to my memories which are about both sweet and sour, no matter; I must say "Life is simply amazing" isn't it?
"We never know the value of the situation until it becomes a memory."
Yeah, I'm feeling it's importance now.
Days are too fast. When I started reading from my first post, I've noticed that the language and the vocabulary, which I had used in my previous articles, are gradually improved. And (I know) still I want to improve a lot. (I'm trying.) Besides, I've also improved in thinking about these worldly things. What I had felt bad in my past was just a kind of joke right now. Time heals everything. And also time answers everything.
From now onwards, I would like to introduce my new meme "Freaky Five" in the name of my blog while turning Five..
"Freaky five" is about posting five different things that made me 'freak'. Food, serials or climate anything. I'll make a list of five freaky things in this meme.
So, are you ready to FREAK??