Posted by Vysh @The Colourful Eyes
On a rainy day
The cool breeze and the lazy light spreads all over.
While he cuddles
His heart beat invigorates..
Enfolding me within his arms,
The warmth and caress takes my breath away..
His kiss tickles..
His love pampers..
Playing footsie and snuggling me makes the moment exemplary.
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
And this post is featured for the weekend. You can check Here.
Also it's a Friday fiction 55, uses exactly 55 words to complete the story.
Lovel-ly :D
whaaaa !!!
Thank you soo much :)
Quite the Romantic you are My Friend.
Lovely bit of writing.
Nice pic to match
Loved your Love 55
Thanks for playing
Have a Kick Ass Week-End
Oh hi, it's nice to see your presence on my blog after a long time.
Yeah I am.. I'm just the way how he made me to feel so.. Credits to my honey. :)
Thank u and I'm wishing u to have a blast on weekend.