The Vision of My Life

Few Guys in Bangalore..

                                      In trendy Bangalore, I got to meet different kinds of guys which gave me funny experiences and this is the reason for me for blogging here.
                   I found most of the guys are really choosy and prefers that the girls should be trendy and posh to the update even though they are not remarkable with their looks or appearances. Once, I heard a comment from a guy, a nerd suggesting a girl for her matching ear rings, while he failed to match his tie for his own shirt..!!
                          " A pink designed Tie on a blue checks shirt !!  "   [ It's Irritating ! ]

                    They are very cooperative & jovial to such an extent that one could ask me for a bike ride on our first meet!!  [ Can't they think that it might hurt a girl ! ]  He likes to party the coincidence that we both were same, a 2008 passed out Andhra Engineering student from CSE back ground. [ Of course, a very good reason for an ice-cream party but not for a bike ride. ]  Also he promised me that he wont kidnap me for any reason. [ So kindly na? ] I denied him in a straight way [ I don't prefer! ] and hence he didn't spoke to me [ I never mind ] ever for the next time.
                    They are very caring about my relationships too. A guy was shock and felt very disappointed listening from me that I'm not dating any boy friend. [ Saaala! Over acting!! ] Also pleasing me with his tips to take care while choosing a boy friend. [ No thanks! Get lost U idiot !! ]
                    While the other guy, at a time started his conversation as if he knew me since ages. [ Without knowing at least my name.. ] convincing me to know my details, address and all. [ Areee chal Bakra! I'm smarter than you! ] I missed the pic of his face at that moment when I replied him, "I'm not the girl that you concerned about.. So please lemme Go!!" He simply shut his mouth and take his path away. [ Bechara! G'luck for the next time. ]
                     Some times I really don't understand why they underestimate the girls. One guy among such kind of people, asked me, "Hey! what can we say 'you are mesmerizing' or else 'you are awesome' in telugu? I really want to learn it" [ You fool! I'm not here to reply you.. ] I replied him, " Try to google it! you will get better answers for that." [ Try for the better option to impress me! ]  

I really hate this guy for his exclusive offers.
" What's your problem with me when I have an ATM card?? " [ Stupid! Not every girl likes your ATM. ]

" I'm on your way to my home. Lemme drop you. I don't have probs with the petrol charges! " [Oye duffer! I'm not such kind of a girl to follow you. I can pay for myself! ]

" Shall we go to a movie? Am I not your friend?? " [ I pity you for your deafness. You can never understand that I'm avoiding you!! ]

                            However, on the same heights, I found they are emotional and affectionate too. I got 3 best buddies. 
One cool friend, jovial and always smiling. [ Like Me!! ] Very cooperative and understanding either to discuss about the subject or to bunk the classes. Sharing and caring too. 

And two God's Gifted-brothers among which the elder one always tells me not to believe everyone and to be very careful in the city. He is very caring and always warns me with the hint that the people are doesn't actually as they seem. [ I really love his brotherhood.

Some of his famous dialogs that he always shares with me..

"Please ra, Do not believe everyone blindly! "

"Try to think in the other way! "

"You are talented. Why cant U start a firm by yourself?" 

"Why can't you put the fake experience and get a job?"

"Choose the nutritional food. Pizza, burger and Curd rice are just waste! "

"Do not roam alone in the roads. Go out only if you have any companion along with you. " 

"Don't eat too much of Ice-cream!!"  [ I hate this. ]

and many more.. 

The younger one, who always freak out and funny, collects all the necessary notes and softwares which really helps me a lot. We could have a great time together. Our frequency matches because of our telugu back ground and, he is the second and next to me among the Outstanding personalties in our class. [ ;) ]

* I didn't mentioned the names for my privacy.

7 Responses so far.


  2. Anonymous says:

    This is gud one vysh....from Smitha

  3. animesh says:

    What a post, mind-blowing. I just can't stop laughing after imagining pink tie. OMG, what a scene that must be ROFL
    BTW, Vysh, Do you mind going for a bike-ride with me. I promise we will have ice-cream, too hehe. And why don't you have a boyfriend? Anyways, never mind. And yes, I too have an ATM card, in fact three and a credit card as well lol.
    And the word "Ra" which comes by default with all telugus (I have lots of telugu frnz, I cant stop laughing.
    Now, send this link to all those guys, I'm sure they will think thrice before behaving so again:)

  4. That's V.funny Ani.. Even after reading the whole article, yet u r asking me the same ?? Havn't u guessed wat might b my reply ???

  5. @Vysh:
    Extremely funny write-up of your experiences. Luckily you have the right attitude to deal with such guys.

  6. soul says:
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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