Poetry Spot
*********** Yaar !! ***********
Hey Yaar !!
Be Pyaar..
Delete War..
Don't Go Far..
Show your Par..
Be a Cedar..
Not a Cipher..
Don't show your Eager
to miss this Figure.. !! :P
* 21st July 2001. Written when I was 15yrs Old. [Actually this was written n gifted to my Friend, Sudeepthi, on her farewell, when she was departing from us]
*********** My Allay !! ***********
Hey Lovely !!
My ally..
Be Jolly..
My dolly..
Be Friendly..
Try to see this daily,
Not to forget this Curly..!! :P
* 21st July 2001. Written when I was 15yrs Old. [Actually this was written n gifted to my Friend, Madhavi, on her farewell, when she was departing from us]