The Vision of My Life

Never say NEVER, because U never know


         It's my, which was my life shock, coz I never ever dream t for a professional degree. On the first day, I felt excited as if I was very thankful for the opportunity. New college... New environment... With the mixed group of my old and new frns, I learn t a lot just with in 3 months of the whole college life.
          It's a greedy locality. Everything will be a secret either a discussion or a doubt, collecting data either from the library books or from lecturers, notes or answers, news either good or bad. No one shares with no one. Whatever the thing I learn t or I discovered, it could be good news or a solution, I should not share with anyone. If I share, then I'm a big joker. Even they were in hesitation to exchange their text books or the materials given in the class as if there was no other option to get this ocean of knowledge. I found most of the people were greedy in some or the other. As days passed, even I became a member of this greedy dynasty, coz I don want to be a joker. I started feeling the high competition, which I dream t in my intermediate days. Even though I'm a member in such a bad competition, I always dream t for a support or for a sharing hand having a thought of changing the thing. But, it never happened nor I could expect from those people.
               I got my first yr result. I'm the college FIRST, scored 88.43%, flushing all my bad memories, bad days [I can say]. I got first over those people who tried to cheat me unnecessarily. That's what I need actually. I never thought against to those people. I just wanted to teach them a lesson that, 'If I think, I could do anything.' I just dream t for a good competition which I never faced. Always I tried to compete positively. I never thought to get less marks for those people. But, when they started deceiving me for the least things, I hold my heart and started moving in such a way that they can't even imagine what actually I was.
               I kept up my pride even in my second yr. Again, I was the College topper. Then I thought It's the time to be as what I am. Taking the right decision at the right time is most important, right!! Actually thought that I shouldn't regret for any of my decisions I took, as I strongly believe that neither the time nor the tide will wait for the miracles to be happen. So, I started sharing my notes or my answers. I started discussions and explaining my doubts in the class. Of course, I got no such situation to say 'NO' to any one of my friends, because no one had asked me to share my text books. I tried to maintain the same situation for the next two years too. I even kept up my throne for the remaining 2 yrs. 
             As days passed, I learn t and I would proudly say that I'm in a monarchy in which I'm the Queen [Unfortunate, I didn't found any king ;-) to accompany me]. Finally, I found most of the people sharing most of their information with many other people in the class[Now, I can say, I found most of my friends sharing most of their information with many other friends in the class.:)] that became a good environment, which I never expected to be happened on some day or the other.

      Really, the quote 'never say NEVER, Coz, you never know.' had proved with a live example, which had shown me a lot of impact.

[When am browsing for som good pics, I found this quote which member ed my past experience and made me to write a blog here]

4 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    s DEAR fcorse u can do anything.1 such thing z, u made a frnd very gnious wd all ur ws possible only coz of ur true n lovly heart..........gnious!!!!was all abt 1st year networktheory,,,,,do u remember??????????

  2. No sindhu.. U alwys tels me tht.. Bt My bad, I didnt remembered :(

  3. Life comes only once! Give it a blast!

  4. animesh says:

    Now you took me back to my college days:) and my memories are not much different. True, Never say never... life goes on and on...

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