The Vision of My Life

Me.. MEME.. and My World!

MEME , a Blogger's Game!

Even I donno about this game until and unless I was tagged by one of My friends.

   Here it goes a convention of the game that the person who has tagged in this, should have to answer a questionnaire. Now It's my turn and It's juz like a chain game where I have to tag my friends now and continues..

So My answers ..

Q. If you could go back in time to relieve one moment, what would it be?
A: Seriously nothing !  I have no regrets.. 
    But how ever, If I need to answer something, here it is. I would like to go back to My Childhood, where my naughty and tough behavior made a rough impression and obviously She, one of my friends, refused my friendship. My heart was almost killed by her answer in straight. But the situation in turn shown a lot of impact that it gifted me a lotta circle of friends, Including the girl who refused..!

Q. If you could go back to the time and change one thing, what would it be?
A: To all those days when I planned to bunk the classes while schooling, Inter and Degree days! I would like to collect all those days to re attend the classes and crack the fun!
Missing my friends and the age!

Q. What movie or TV character do you think you resemble the most in personality?
A: No One !!

Q. Which movie or TV character would you love to be?
A: No One !! But I would like to be a copy of My MOM! She is the BEST!! I juz love her crazily.

Q. If you could push the one person in the whole world off a cliff and get away with it, who would it be?
A: The dual and cruel personality, that sometimes, I find in myself when I was totally frustrated.

Q. Name one habit you need to change in yourself!
A: Forgiving!! Yea.. I don't think much! I don't want to waste my time line on useless things. I Always feel like 'Chal Yaar! Jo hoga Dekha Jayega!!'
    Sometimes its good being Strong, but it sucks when people realize that we are strong enough and they think that it is okay to hurt us. 

Q. Describe yourself in one word.
A: Vysh :)

Q. Describe the person who named you in MEME in word.
A: Convivial !!

Q. Why do you blog?
A: I strongly believe that 'Words' can make a difference.
    And I blog Coz, I'm feeling that difference!!

Q. Name at least 3 people or more to send this MEME and then inform them.
A:  [ Listing my friends that I would like to involve in this 'Fun-game'. I'm not including those who have been played this game already! ] So here it goes..
    A very good friend, guide and 'First Blogger' I met- Balaji
    My Best Bicker Buddy- Karthikkk
    An impressive writer- Vasanth Sir 
    An Expressive blogger- Tarun
    My blog guru- Pramod Ji
    'Blog-Tweety'- Kally

Q. Link back to the person who tagged you in this MEME.
A:  "Animesh Mishra'  
                          Thank you so much Ani for dragging me into this MEME, connecting some where from the BlogOsphere.

6 Responses so far.

  1. animesh says:

    Vysh, loved the adjective you used for me:)
    Nice and honest answers. I don't know where this MEME game will lead to but this has given us all a good opportunity to know each other a bit more better.
    Just like that...

  2. Dear Vyshnavi, thanks for the wonderful post, and indeed thanks for stating me in the blog.... It's nice to know words travel and make wonders. And like it's being said, knowing is what makes the world moving.... Lets know more :)

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hey saw tht Tag. I'm drafting my questionnaire! I'll post it soon and let u know!! Thnx 4 tagging me and for that 'Blog Tweety' :)

    Good to know you through this!!

    Here is my link

    Do read and lemme know your comments!!!! :)

  4. Yea Ani.. I loved it tooo :)

    Vasanth Sir.... As i said! U r fantastic writer.. Am joining wit u too.. Lets know more :) :)

    ThnQ so much kally Fr describing me in your blog.. I loved it :)

  5. pramod says:

    Very well expressed . and truly too. Your talent is really marked and outstanding.
    I am really overwhelmed for the throne you have put me on.
    best wishes.

  6. Thank you sooo much P ji.. As I alwys tels u, Ur words creates wonders :)
    Its My pleasure :)

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